Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Kellie Bible

I just finished reading "Invisible Monsters" by Chuck Palahniuk. I must share. From the first chapter I knew this was in Chuck's twisted way, the book of the Kellie. Here is a brief except:

"Another thing is no matter how much you think you love somebody, you'll step back when the pool of their blood edges up too close.

Except for all this high drama, it's a really nice day. This is a warm, sunny day and the front door is open to the porch and the lawn outside. The fire upstairs draws the warm smell of the fresh-cut lawn into the foyer, and you can hear all the wedding guests outside. All the guests, they took the gifts they wanted, the crystal and silver and went out to wait on the lawn for the firemen and paramedics to make their entrance. Brandy, she opens one of her huge, ring-beaded hands and she touches the hole pouring her blood all over the marble floor.

Brandy, she says, "Shit. There's no way the Bon March? will take this suit back."

Evie lifts her face, her face a finger-painting mess of soot and snot and tears from her hands and screams, "I hate my life being so boring!"

Evie screams down at Brandy Alexander, "Save me a window table in hell!"

Tears rinse clean lines down Evie's cheeks, and she screams, "Girlfriend! You need to be yelling some back at me!"

As if this isn't already drama, drama, drama, Brandy looks up at me kneeling beside her. Brandy's aubergine eyes dilated out to full flower, she says, "Brandy Alex-ander is going to die now?""

It is a quick romp through the adventures of life. I can't recommend it enough.




make the space said...

Word. You need to read... I think It's called Twelve.... it's by some seventeen year old from the upper east side in like 1999. I gotcha.

signora amy said...

So he's like the apostles writing about Jesus! Excellent! For modern day Kellies, the bible is Cosmo and their lord and saviour is Miley Cyrus, but she can easily be crucified- I suppose Tim Gunn could be their lord and saviour, but he's also mine, and I don't worship on the same altar as them, despite my very public devotion to celebrities and trash! Daniel, I think we can take this throne