Upon entering her hotel room we discover Amanda has
ripped the dryer off the wall.
At first she plays it cool.....
.......acting as if she always blows her already dry hair.
We are not fooled.
She then explains that she is simply drying
her eye lashes after washing her face.
We are not amused.
Then she loses all control...
...submitting to the illicit exstasy of
excessive hair drying.
Colin steps into the breach and uses
his always handy toolkit
to reattach the hair dryer to the wall.
As we discuss strategies of intervention,
Amanda enjoys the afterglow.
T H I S I S F U C K I N F U N N Y.
I think i woke up the ppl next door, laughin so hard.
all i could think of was that song from clueless: i'm gonna be a supermodel, and everyone is gonna dress like me. wait an' see. and my hair will shine like the seaaaa. eeeeeeeeeeee.
:-P very funny.
We attempted an intervention once, but Amanda wouldn't admit she had a problem, so we locked her in a closet, she sufferred instant horrible withdrawal symptoms, kicked down the door, and beat us all catatonic. Then she threw us all off the Duomo, a few times! We shall never do that again.
so this means......in less then 48 hours...you broke the hair dryer and fell off a chair..........
with no wine involved
NICE lmao lmao lmao
it wasn't my hair dryer! it was in the boys room, and it was already broken! but i did still fall off that chair :-P
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